

Sheets, profiles and other anodized aluminum fabrications can be left at the “natural” finish or be colored to meet special aesthetic requirements. In fact, the anodic oxide layer has a porous structure that easily adapts to different colorations.
Oxidal Bagno is capable of two different aluminum coloring techniques: electro-coloring and coloring by absorption.  The color variations are different depending on whether one technique or the other is used.

Oxidal Bagno performs electro-coloring and coloring by absorption, each with unique and distinctive color variations.


Electrolytic coloring of aluminum involves immersion of the anodized material in a solution of tin sulfate or copper sulfate, to which current is applied. Depending on the solution chosen and the immersion time, the surface takes on a bronze and copper coloring in the different shades: champagne, dark bronze, dark brown and also black.

Coloring by absorption of aluminum is done by immersing the anodized material in a solution of iron ammonium oxalate for a variable time depending on the desired shade. The result will be gold in color.

Upon request, Oxidal Bagno can also make smoky, electric blue and cobalt colors, using organic substances.

Luxottica, Milano
Gruppo MOL, Budapest
Campus Universitario, Sion
Metal 57, Parigi
Aeroporto Di Baku, Azerbaijan
Mann Island, Liverpool
Centro Direzionale Milanofiori, Milano
Bicocca, Milano
Teatro Di Rho, Milano
Edificio Scolastico Croset-Parc, Losanna
Sede Engie Bicocca, Milano
Sede Cariparma, Parma
Facciata Time Building, Milano
Centro Commerciale Inghilterra
Uci Cinemas Orio Al Serio, Bergamo
“Il Tetto Dorato” Di Garutti, Ca’ Corniani
33 King William, Londra
Università Di Boston
Le Coruscant, Parigi
Hotel Porta Vittoria, Milano
Louvre Islamic Art Department, Parigi
“Le Voci Della Città”, Milano
Morocco Mall Casablanca, Marocco
Sede Vittoria Assicurazioni, Milano
Torre Marsiglia, Marsiglia